National Legislation (selection)


Country Act/Law English
Austria Strafgesetzbuch Criminal Code
Austria Auslieferungs- und Rechtshilfegesetz Extradition and Legal Assistance Act
Belgium Code d’instruction criminelle (Cic) Criminal Instruction Code
Colombia Código Penal Penal Code available through HeinOnline (1 The Colombian Penal Code (Phanor Eder, trans.) i (1967) ) 
Denmark Straffeloven Criminal Code 
Finland Suomen rikoslaki Finnish Criminal Code
France Code pénal Penal Code
Germany Grundgesetz Basic Law
Germany Außenwirtschaftsgesetz (AWG) Foreign Trade and Payments Act
Germany Strafgesetzbuch Criminal Code
Germany Strafprozessordnung Criminal Procedural Law
Germany Einführungsgesetz zum Strafgesetzbuch (EGStGB) Introductory Act of the Penal Code
Germany Abagabenordnung (AO) German Fiscal Code
Germany Völkerstrafgesetzbuch (VStGB) Act to Introduce the Code of Crimes against International Law
Greece Ποινικός Κώδικας  –
Italy Codice penale Penal Code
Mexico Código Penal Federal Federal Penal Code
Netherlands Wetboek van Strafrecht Code of Criminal Law
Norway Almindelig borgerlig Straffelov Ordinary Civil Penal Code
Poland Kodeks Karny Penal Code
Portugal Codigo Penal Penal Code
Spain LOPJ Judicial Power Act
Spain Código Penal Penal Code
Spain Ley de Enjuiciamiento Criminal Law of Criminal Procedure
Sweden Brottsbalken Criminal Code
Switzerland Strafgesetzbuch Swiss Criminal Code
Switzerland Strassenverkehrsgesetz Road Traffic Act
Switzerland Bundesgesetz über internationale Rechtshilfe in Strafsachen Act on Mutual Judicial Assistance in Criminal Matters
UK Bribery Act 2010
UK Criminal Justice Act 1993
UK Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008
USA Title 18 U.S.C.
USA Comprehensive Crime Control Actnot available online -> § 1203, 18 U.S.C.
USA Omnibus Diplomatic Secruity and Anti-Terrorism Act